by Kathryn Diaz Therpaist | Apr 17, 2020 | Kathryn Diaz Therapist
When partners enter into a marriage, they expect that their best years are in front of them. So what are they to do when they find their marriage at its worst? No one wants to think that their marriage might ever get to that point, but the fact of the matter is that...
by Kathryn Diaz Therpaist | Mar 20, 2020 | Kathryn Diaz Therapist
Ask any reputable person in the sciences, and they’ll scoff in annoyance if not outright lecture you about the foolishness of astrology – and rightfully so. We have long since moved past that stage of scientific misunderstanding. For as frustrating as it is for people...
by Kathryn Diaz Therpaist | Feb 21, 2020 | Uncategorized
“What a piece of work is a man” muses a bitterly critical Hamlet – but how and why does that “piece of work” emerge as it does? From the collective unconsciousness, according to Carl Jung. In Jung’s view, certain “archetypes” reappear in religious, mythological, and...
by Kathryn Diaz Therpaist | Jan 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
We’ve all been in a bad mood from time to time. There is any number of different reasons why you might have been down, but one constant unites us all – we all put on a song or two to cope. Maybe you put on a sassy breakup song to help you get over your ex, maybe you...
by Kathryn Diaz Therpaist | Dec 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
One of the most unique aspects of psychology as a scientific discipline has been its ability to nab concepts from non-scientific fields. This goes all the way back to Freud with his Oedipus Complex, taken from Sophocles’ play and which he himself linked to...